Wood Culture Journal

About the Journal


Wood Culture Journal is an online electronic journal published by International Wood Culture Society (IWCS), an international non-profit organization.

Wood Culture Journal is free and open resource. Submission of manuscripts will also be free of charge.

Wood Culture Journal is published on a yearly basis, with additional publications of special subjects and topics of wood culture.

Wood Culture Journal is dedicated to explorations of wood from humanities and social science perspectives.


Throughout history, wood has played a prominent role in human life. Studies of wood, however, still lack systematic analyses and integral researches from humanities and social science perspectives.Wood Culture Journal aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas concerning the foundation, application and practices of wood culture, in order to yield systematic and applicable approaches to both research and everyday life.


Wood Culture Journal includes cultural studies of wood in a broader sense. Any study based on original research using primary sources or artifacts, that elucidates the relationships and interactions of wood and nature, human, and environment, including but not limited to history, politics, sociology, economics, philosophy, culture, religion, art, education, literature, archaeology, anthropology, as well as their disciplinary traditions and innovations, or throws light on the work of theoretical and practical approaches of wood, will gladly be considered.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief

Prof. Harvey Green (USA), Emeritus Professor, Northeastern University


  • ● Dr. Victoria Asensi (Spain/France), Scientific Director, Xylodata
  • ● Dr. Michael Grabner (Austria), Senior Scientist, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna)
  • ● Dr. Mikko Saikku (Finland), McDonnell Douglas Professor of American Studies, University of Helsinki

Honorary Advisors

  • ● Prof. Takao Itoh (Japan), Emeritus Professor, Kyoto University
  • ● Dr. Pieter Baas (Netherlands), Emeritus Professor, Leiden University
  • ● Prof. Shengji Pei (China), Professor, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

For Authors

Manuscript Submission

Potential contributors are encouraged to correspond with the journal office before submitting manuscripts in order to ensure that their works falls within the purview of Wood Culture Journal. All contributions except invited reviews are refereed. Electronic copies of manuscripts should be submitted as an email attachment to journal@woodculture.org or on a CD/DVD included with the hard copies to the following address:

2549 Eastbluff Dr. #307
Newport Beach,
CA 92660
Tel: 1-949-200-6366

Manuscript Preparation

Title Page: Please contain the title, full name of author(s), address of affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es).
Abstract: Please include an abstract of up to 250 words, presented in paragraph form. The abstract should be typed on a separate page of the manuscript. Please supply up to five keywords or short phrases after the abstract. 
Paper Format: Manuscripts should be prepared as word processing documents, leaving a liberal margin (2 cm) on all four sides. The manuscript should be typed double-spaced throughout including references and tables.
Fonts: Word fonts such as Times and Times New Roman are preferred, and point size should be 12.
Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic. Each table should have an explanatory caption.
Figures: Authors may use line diagrams and photographs to illustrate these from their text. All figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals. All the figures and tables should be appropriately placed in the text itself.
Notes: Footnotes are to be kept to a minimum, and should not be used for the routine citation of references. Footnotes should appear at the foot of the page containing the reference marker.
References: The references should include primary and secondary sources. Authors are asked to pay particular attention to the accuracy and correct presentation of references. The author-date system recommended by The Chicago Manual of Style should be used.


Materials available in the website of Wood Culture Journal may be downloaded, printed, linked to, and/or redistributed for noncommercial, course teaching purposes ONLY. Wood Culture Journal shall retain the copyright. All content provided as part of the online journal is protected by the Copyright Law of the United States, and is subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Copyright notices in the Wood Culture Journal and articles may not be removed, altered or obscured in any way.

For Authors


Please address submissions and all other correspondence to :
