1. On sacred days and celebrations, enjoy the cu…

  2. Colorful Japanese sweets that can taste the s…

  3. Enjoy the luxurious taste that makes the most…

  4. Being particular about tableware is also the …

  5. From season to season Looking back on the his…

  6. Finest cuisine of Japan produced from ingredi…

  7. Enjoy the fresh flavor and tastes. Ingredient…

  8. Heartwarming Japanese taste Approaching the s…

  9. There’s a wide variety and way to enjoy…

  10. A Japanese style brings out the natural flavo…

  11. The appearance is important to Japanese cuisi…

  12. Pursuing deliciousness in eating habitsItR…

  1. Shop information

  2. Our Mission

  3. Kappo・Kaiseki

  4. Sushi

  5. Udon

  6. Tempura

  7. Eel

  8. Soba

  9. Kanmi・Wagashi

  10. Sukiyaki

  11. Tofu cuisine

  12. Yakiniku

  13. Ramen

The International Wood Culture Society (IWCS) is a non-profit non-governmental international network of wood enthusiasts dedicated to the research, education, and promotion of global wood culture. Wood is an eco-friendly renewable biomaterial and IWCS utilizes cultural approaches to promote the concept Wood is Good.

Wood culture is very broad. For IWCS, we encourage the study of wood from a cultural perspective. The basic concept is the value and ways we use wood in our society. IWCS explores wood culture namely the human usage of and activities with wood in our society, as well as values toward wood, wood products and wood-related environments, which forms the unique culture of wood.

Our Mission:

  • The research, education, and promotion of wood culture.
  • Promote the idea that wood is good for our society from environmental, social and economical standpoints by using a cultural approach.
  • Celebrate World Wood Day annually on March 21st to spread the importance and the value of wood and to encourage the responsible uses of wood.